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商品名稱:Lynda com Getting Started with Dreamweaver CS5 and Business Catalyst (Dreamweaver CS5和Business Catalyst入門培訓視頻教學) 英文正式版

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Lynda com Getting Started with Dreamweaver CS5 and Business Catalyst (Dreamweaver CS5和Business Catalyst入門培訓視頻教學) 英文正式版


Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時06分的 Dreamweaver CS5和Business Catalyst入門
培訓視頻教學。由Joseph Lowery 介紹了Business Catalyst是一種託管的網站建
設及管理應用,接著演示了怎樣利用其結合Dreamweaver CS5的複雜功能。本課程
包括有關在Dreamweaver裏建立一個Business Catalyst站點,添加和定制比如博
客和論壇的設計元素,並運用Business Catalyst的電子商務功能建立一個線上商


In Getting Started with Dreamweaver CS5 and Business Catalyst, author
Joseph Lowery introduces Business Catalyst, the hosted application for
building and managing business web sites, and shows how to add complex
functionality by leveraging its integration with Dreamweaver CS5. The
course includes tutorials on setting up a Business Catalyst site in
Dreamweaver, adding and customizing design elements such as blogs and
forums, and employing the Business Catalyst ecommerce features to build
an online store. Exercise files accompany the course.

Prerequisite: Dreamweaver CS5 Essential Training.
Topics include:

* Exploring the capabilities of Business Catalyst
* Modifying Business Catalyst modules and templates in Dreamweaver
* Extending to clients the ability to modify their web pages in the browser
* Managing downloadable documents with the Literature module
* Utilizing Business Catalyst's customer and content management features
* Creating email marketing campaigns
* Building a store catalog
* Setting up a payment gateway
* Customizing the checkout experience


Welcome 01:36
Using the exercise files 00:54
18:46 1. Introducing Business Catalyst
What is Business Catalyst? 03:50
Why Business Catalyst matters to Dreamweaver designers 03:14
What Business Catalyst costs 04:28
Understanding the Business Catalyst partnership 05:10
Adobe and Business Catalyst integration 02:04
26:01 2. Integrating Business Catalyst with Dreamweaver
Installing the Business Catalyst extension 01:44
Setting up a Business Catalyst site in Dreamweaver 02:44
Basic file management 01:59
Creating Business Catalyst templates 03:41
Defining a default template 01:48
Inserting Business Catalyst modules 03:46
Customizing module tags 06:48
Styling module output 03:31
11:30 3. Using InContext Editing
Establishing editable Dreamweaver pages 03:51
Enabling InContext Editing for clients 07:39
33:12 4. Advanced Business Catalyst Features
Setting up a custom site 06:02
Integrating templates 02:54
Building a web form 05:01
Inserting a blog 04:13
Handling downloadable documents 03:59
Creating announcements 03:37
Setting up an email campaign 07:26
34:18 5. Building an Online Store with Business Catalyst
Creating a catalog 06:01
Adding products 08:24
Styling detail pages 06:32
Establishing a payment gateway 03:05
Defining the checkout experience 02:28
Enabling discounts 03:23
Upselling and cross selling 04:25
00:14 Conclusion
What's Next 00:14


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