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商品名稱:MacProVideo com Logic 9.210 Vocoding With EVOC 視頻教學 英文正式版


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MacProVideo com Logic 9.210 Vocoding With EVOC 視頻教學 英文正式版


Logic’s EVOC 20 PolySynth is one of the coolest Software Instruments
in Logic's EV series of vintage synths. Let David Earl (a.k.a.
SFLogicNinja) show you how he uses it and why you need to master
this awesome, sonically rich plugin...

Do you want your vocals to sound like a chorus of modulated Moog
oscillators? How about getting your drums to play rhythmic chords? Are
you totally into robotic-sounding alien pads? If you answered "yes" (or
even “maybe”) to any of the above, then you need to get Vocoding!

The EVOC 20 PolySynth, can be intimidating when you first plug it in!
However, once you dig beneath its perplexing, techno faceplate you’ll
find an underground sonic universe waiting to be mined!

So what are Vocoders?

Let David Earl –our star MPV super-trainer– enlighten you! He starts
this journey with a field trip into the history of Vocoding. You’ll
learn why vocoders were invented, how they were initially deployed and
the fantastic physics behind how they make inanimate objects sound like
they’re singing!

But get this: Did you know that the EVOC is a full-blown standalone
synth,? Well, it is and in the next section the amazing Mr. Earl explains
its different synthesis engines and how to program them. You’ll learn all
about the EVOC’s extensive library of built-in wave tables, its overtone
rich FM synthesis engine, and the sweepable lowpass filter and filtered
noise generator.

Now it’s time to Vocode! David explains the EVOC’s deep “center section”
with all its programable formant bands, U/V detection (no sunglasses
needed) and ultra cool modulators. This is where all the Vocoding magic
happens and soon you, too, be mastering all the EVOC’s controls.

So join David Earl and learn how the EVOC 20 PolySynth can be instrumental
in making synth tracks sing, creating robotic voices and just doing some
really weird and crazy-cool sonic effects!

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