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商品名稱:Ask Video Live 9 400 Max For Live For Musicians 視頻教學 英文教學版

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Ask Video Live 9 400 Max For Live For Musicians 視頻教學 英文教學版


1. Intro to Max for Live.mp4
2. What is Max for Live.mp4
3. Three Types of Devices.mp4
4. Interface Options.mp4
5. Visual Programming Language.mp4
6. Signal Flow and the Trigger.mp4
7. The Bang and the Message.mp4
8. Hot and Cold Inlets.mp4
9. MIDI Info - Part 1.mp4
10. MIDI Info - Part 2.mp4
11. MIDI Info - Part 3.mp4
12. MIDI Note Harmonizer - Part 1.mp4
13. MIDI Note Harmonizer - Part 2.mp4
14. Volume Control.mp4
15. Pan & Balance Control.mp4
16. Amplitude Modulation - Part 1.mp4
17. Amplitude Modulation - Part 2.mp4
18. Low Pass Filter.mp4
19. Cutoff Modulation.mp4
20. Modulation Range and Sync.mp4
21. Organizing the Device Interface.mp4
22. Setting up the Multimode Filter.mp4
23. Testing the Multimode Filter.mp4
24. The Live Object Model.mp4
25. live.path and live.object.mp4
26. live.observer.mp4
27. live.remote.mp4
28. Controlling Device Parameters - Part 1.mp4
29. Controlling Device Parameters - Part 2.mp4

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